After moving to Silicon Valley, I often found myself saying, "California drivers in rain are like Ohio drivers in snow". Still holds true after 27 years.
Posted by: J Greely at Thu Jan 28 14:55:28 2021 (ZlYZd)
We had about as much snow in Austin, too. But it melted in 3 days.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Thu Jan 28 16:10:56 2021 (LZ7Bg)
We had ~5" of snow overnight Monday to Tuesday. THEN it got cold.
We've been lucky so far with the snow.... wingtips crossed, we'll stay that way.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Thu Jan 28 19:45:12 2021 (Bkp4m)
We've gotten a couple inches up here in MA so far and maybe some more tomorrow.
Posted by: ReallyBored at Thu Jan 28 22:56:54 2021 (cp/J1)
However, about a week ago I noted the U.K.s decision to allow Hong Kongers to immigrate there and stated that our not doing the same was a missed opportunity for the U.S..
Uighurs, really?
Not everyone who's persecuted is worth our sympathy.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Thu Jan 28 10:53:19 2021 (LZ7Bg)
Indeed, I'm much more amenable to the Hong-Kongers, as well as Chinese Christians, Taoists, Falun Gong and Jews. I have heard that the Uighurs are a very moderate sect, but American anthropologists don't know much that's true and know a lot that's false about The Scots-Irish living in America, so confidence is not high. Besides, I imagine that if they were moderate, they are justly radicalized now.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Thu Jan 28 11:02:25 2021 (5iiQK)
Leading Indicators
Today was the first day in 2 weeks I've worked more than an hour and a half. There's been an astonishing drop in volume at my work over the last 2 weeks. There always is a severe drop after Christmas, but before Christmas we had Christmas level volume because of the COVID restrictions...which have gotten much more onerous during that time.. Now I'm not laid off, I have sufficient seniority that when they lay people off I can volunteer to be one of them and I've had errands, family issues and doctors appointments so I've taken advantage of that several days, but we're still very short of volume. Even in slack years, even in January, we did not finish unloading packages after an hour and a half on a nominally 4-5 hour shift.
Given the increasing intensity of he lockdowns and the volume of vaccines that we were getting before this week, one would expect a heavier than normal January. Indeed the first two weeks of the month (which in my 28 years of experience are usually dead) were remarkably heavy.
In general the end of January and beginning of February are a bit heavier than most of the post-Christmas winter since stores are restocking their inventory. However, this is the very time that we're seeing volume DROP.
One shipping center is not representative of the company, let alone the economy. In fact it's a ridiculously inadequate data point, but it is concerning, and the lack of pay is of some personal concern.
U.S. economic numbers lag a fair bit in relation to the current time, so I checked out the Baltic Dry Index, which is a current measure of the cost of international shipping. It is an imperfect metric, particularly now as COVID restrictions have likely added considerable overhead to shipping costs, but in general it is a leading indicator of how robust world trade is, the lower the cost the less trade is happening.
However, the BDI is an indicator of bulk raw material shipping prices, not retail. It proceeds in fits and starts with production.
Other leading indicators are at the precise moment that I type this, on a generally downward trend, but I don't know enough to say if it is precipitously so.
The sudden, unexpected drop in volume from its aberrant and bonecrushing highs to lay-offs where I am may be a localized phenomenon and should not be a cause for undue concern.
A focus group of one is a woefully inadequate data set.
However, in my 28 years of experience our volume trends quite closely with the overall economic health of the nation, so I'm very curious if anyone else here has noted any drop-offs in economic activity.
Meanwhile: At the Freedom of Information Act Office
Over at Unwanted Blog, Scott Lowther (as part of his job) is filing FOIA requests. This morning he provided a link to the USAF FOIA Reading Room, which is spectacularly sparse on information. But, right between Telephone Directory and Slickspot PepperGrass is, uh, Teleportation.
My Baby Sister Just Had a Heart Attack
She's 40 and has 2 kids.
I've let work know I'm going down to look after the children.
UPDATE: Well she's been released on her own recognizance and has a series of stress tests and such today and tomorrow. I called work while at the gas station and told them I can come in but they said that staffing was fine and I was already listed as off for the day. My FMLA application is obviously on hold. I'll know more tomorrow.
This is not just around Moscow either. There are currently protests in 109 cities across the largest country on Earth and I've heard reference to Vladivostok and Petropavlovsk in some of the video coverage. Also; according to the NYT article above, these protests are taking place in temperatures as low as minus 68 degrees Fahrenheit which would seem to indicate a certain level of passion and motivation on the part of the protestors. Over 3,000 people had been reported arrested as of 23:05 GMT.
Hundreds of thousands of people are protesting in hundreds cities in the largest country on the planet, which controls a large percentage of the worlds oil reserves and which has the largest nuclear arsenal on Earth....
This seems seems like it ought to be getting rather more coverage than it is here in the U.S.A.
I do not know anything about Nalvany or how, in what is presented to us as a country with fairly strong social media control, he got such a following, but I'm very interested in finding out. Anyone who, you know, speaks Russian or has insights into this situation...feel free to sound off in the comments.
This is one of those times when I wished World Affairs Journal had not completely vaporized. They had good commentators who could explain issues like Nalvany situation.
Posted by: cxt217 at Sun Jan 24 13:04:56 2021 (4i7w0)
Navalnyi is a piece of poop. But it's not a reason enough to poison him. BTW, when Putin ordered a hit of a retired terrorist living a good life in Germany, his contractor used a gun (Glock 26). So it's not always and exclusively poisonings.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Sun Jan 24 16:48:33 2021 (LZ7Bg)
What, in particular, is pooperifferous about him? Jackass or not, he certainly seems to be tapping into some public concerns.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Jan 24 21:21:24 2021 (5iiQK)
My familiarity with Navalnyi goes back some 20 years to the days when he was a blogger. Or, actually, he started as a fairly typical small-time entrepreneur of dubious repute. However, he somehow managed to turn his poor luck at shady dealings into a conflict with the corrupt politicians. He very soon realized that it was more lucrative and the rest is history.
A friend of mine, being dissatisfied with the brutal and corrupt regime of Putin, tried to make me read Navalnyi's posts. It was a complete garbage. But it worked great on people in thrall of his charisma.
I didn't want to bring all this up because it was a long time ago and my memory is often faulty. However, two days ago a court ordered Navalnyi to prison for violations of the terms of his parole. It was an absolute circus like you would not believe it. Navalnyi was raving like a lunatic, screeching in disbelief that they can apply laws to his esteemed persona.
Back in 2013, when his corruption seemingly caught up with Navalnyi, he was sentenced to 5 years. But he didn't serve any time, because laws are for the little people. This sentence was commuted to parole. While on parole, he managed to get into some other trouble with the law, and yet again he didn't do the time. This time it went like this:
JUDGE: Mr. Navalnyi, please explain why you neglected to meet your parole officer in 2019.
NAVALNYI: He dared to ask me to come on Monday but I'm an adult, I have my own life! Thursday was more convenient for me!
JUDGE: So, you realized that you're violating the rules of parole and continued to do so, is that correct?
NAVALNYI (yelling): I don't give shit about your rules or you parole!
It was just absurd. Navalnyi's entitlement can rival that of Pelosi, but he was in front of a judge for crying out loud.
Interestingly enough, they didn't throw a book at him even now. He only got 2 years and 8 months, and will appeal yet again, I'm sure.
Navalnyi's crazy antics come in stark contrast with the late N. Nemtsov. Instead of spewing poorly sourced, poorly produced propaganda, the latter compiled an investigative report on Putin's ill-gotten wealth. I thought it was a more significant attack on the regime than mad ravings, but perhaps I was wrong. What's interesting, Nemtsov was supposedly killed by outraged Chechens, who were offended by the way Nemtsov mocked Ramzan Kadyrov, a brutal warlord who kept Chechnya in line for Putin. Kadyrov acolytes were known for such behavior, for example attacking some Swedish critic with hammers a few years ago. Moscow office of criminal prosecutor managed to find the killers, but of course rumors circulated that Putin architected the assassination through his friend Kadyrov.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Tue Feb 2 22:24:17 2021 (LZ7Bg)
Or.. you know how every folk get the government they deserve? I think they also get the dissidents they deserve. That is why Nemtsov is dead and Navalnyi is not.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Wed Feb 3 11:53:05 2021 (LZ7Bg)
You may have something there, Pete. Good background on Navalnyi, thanks for that.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Wed Feb 3 18:05:28 2021 (PiXy!)
Thanks Pete I've found it hard to find English language sources on him.
He's being presented in the media here as some sort of heroic reformer to the extent he's reported on at all.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Wed Feb 3 19:10:34 2021 (5iiQK)
He is a heroic reformer, by the logic of the events. Imagine being idolized this much. It's not like he's got a choice.
In addition, here's a Russian joke:
Guy A: It's unbelievable how corrupt politicians are these days. I'm going to run for office?
Guy B: Do you want to end corruption?
Guy A: No way, I want to take part in it!
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Wed Feb 3 23:02:35 2021 (LZ7Bg)
Big Bag o' Meat
So I placed an Amazon Fresh order and this evening my milk, fruit, curry (presumably extracted from the titanic sandworms in the vast deserts of...Vermont) were delivered to my door in 4 paper bags.
Upon inspection, I realized I'd paid for 3 of those bags.
So I called Amazon, and took an inordinate ammount of time explaining that "No...my order was fine...I just got someone else's too and it seems like a pretty consequential bag of groceries" After a few minutes I got passed far enough up the chain that I talked to someone capable of making a decision, rather than taking dictation.
It turns out that they can't send the driver back to pickup the bag for obvious liability reasons but after going through what was in the very full bag, I gather they were able to close out, or correct a concern ticket. As I went through my unexpected loot, I found that I'd scored a couple of steaks, lots of expensive sausages, children's lunch packs, TexMex cheeses, High end Swiss cheese, diet lemonade, Hamburger and...Turkey sausage. That last is, upon reflection, somewhat disturbing in concept, but less so than the realization that someone who'd spent more money on that bag than my cheap ass had on groceries all month....and had ordered them just in time for dinner...and had kids, was without what was probably their Saturday dinner. Hopefully they got the bag replaced quickly.
OTOH, Brickmuppet's eatin' lotsa' STEAK this week!
Amazon Fresh is probably the least reliable of Amazon's services. Probably about 2/3rds of my orders from them since I started using them when the beer bug became a thing have been missing 1 or more items. In checking message boards, this is not an uncommon experience or unusually bad luck.
Posted by: StargazerA5 at Sun Jan 24 11:44:05 2021 (SujyP)
There's nothing particularly wrong with turkey sausage (that isn't wrong with the concept of "sausage" in general.)
Posted by: Jonathan Tappan at Sun Jan 24 12:15:38 2021 (eaKtq)
I've heard that from other people too, but I have lucked out.
I ordered from Fresh a lot during the lockdown. Once they substituted ground beef for stew meat. That is the only other time I've had a problem....er, issue....umm, this is neither. This is a bag of free meat.
Working in a shipping warehouse where every package is tightly tracked, I have a pretty good idea of how both issues happened, particularly since Amazon is rumored to have personnel policies akin to Weyland-Yutani.
I'm not ordering nearly as much from Fresh now, but that is for reasons quite separate from their service.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Jan 24 12:31:48 2021 (5iiQK)
@ Jonathan Tappan: I'm a southerner and we have this thing called chitterlings, and Turkey Sausage just brings that to mind.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Jan 24 12:45:15 2021 (5iiQK)
Well, it turns out that the late and not very lamented drug lord Pablo Escobar, had a private zoo and when he was forcibly retired and sent to vacation in hell, his hippopotamuses escaped.
The article rightly makes a big deal of the fact that Hippos are dreadfully disruptive of the environment, not the least because their excrements are quite poisonous to the local wildlife (and people) .
However, the article fails to mention that these beasts are a direct danger to the populace. Hippos are dreadfully territorial and vicious in a way that just doesn't happen with any herbivore in this hemisphere.
Thankfully not pictured, the poor man's dismemberment, as reported here.
Hippos are superficially cute but they are vicious, aggressive, territorial, killers that would render vast swaths of recreational areas too dangerous to visit, and if they get into the back country the monsters will be a tragic 'out of context problem' for the poor farmers and aboriginal tribes that exist in an on the rivers of South America. We've already seen in places like Florida that fairly large fauna can become endemic. These are worse than any monitor lizard, monkey, or murder hornet. I rather suspect that The Amazon and Orinoco basins are good hippopotamus habitat, and that will be tragic for the local flora, fauna, and citizenry if this invasive species is not dealt with. The goal has to be extinction and not management.
At least they'll be easier to find and cull than cane toads or kudzu.
One of Trumps signature issues and the reason that he got elected was immigration. The fact is that the lack of enforcement of immigration was (and soon will be again) causing massive disruptions and suffering for American citizens, particularly along the southern border. Unchecked and un-vetted the masses of people, especially those from Central America and Mexico have flooded into the country and caused some genuine disruption. Quite aside from the horrific criminal element that has attached itself like a remora to this desperate migration, the influx of people who don't know the rules, language or mores is a stress on our most vulnerable communities.
However, I think that the issue is being misidentified by both sides of the argument.
The problem is that new arrivals are NOT being screened for criminal histories nor assimilated into those values. Rather we're importing the pathologies that these people are trying to escape from. Sothwestern cities and even moreso California ones are increasingly surrounded by the sorts of favelas that these people tried to get away from, and, bypassing the immigration test they don't get a primer on U.S. civics...
I'm not nearly as concerned about immigration per se as I am the lack of assimilation with regards to civics. As long as you learn English and accept the tenets of U.S. civics like equality before the law, freedom of speech, and that the state's near monopoly of force does not extend to self defense, ( and, er, the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo) then everything's OK. Even if you have a completely different background culture that's OK. we've got 17 vastly different ones , hundreds of reservations and thousands of ethnoburbs already.
(Nicked from Reddit, source Unknown)
America is not The Borg.
However much certain of our ruling class would like you to think that the Toni stops on the Acela corridor and boardrooms of Palo Alto are the only acceptable cultures, (aside from some exotica kept for their amusement). The US is , and has been from the beginning a collection of wildly diferent societies.
It's why E Pluribus Unum is a thing.
Having wildly different points of view that agree on the basic tenets of society (and don't mess with each other) is a good thing and can keep us on our toes. Yielding to demands that we give up these myriad quirks for the sake of unity will result in something much less interesting free and robust that America.
So as long as we are assimilating people with regard to language and civics, we're fine. The problem is that we aren't. The concerns about wage competition are legitimate, but they are occasionally overblown and separate from the concerns about demography.
I note that the people I've known from Eastern Europe, Haiti, Latin America, and even Afganistan tend to be way more "red pilled", entrepenurial, civic minded and concerned about freedom of speech ect. than most of the college or immediately post-college age native born types.
Unless, perhaps, I'm an evolutionary biologist, I'd rather have a recently immigrated member of the Falun Gong working for me than Triggly Puff.
5.4 million highly educated people who have seen the horrors of the social credit system up close, who have been waving American flags for a year and are highly motivated to protect free speech and hate communism would have been a fine addition to our polity. I suspect the Dems are breathing a sigh of relief that this did not happen.
I agree with all the points and would add that the Ruling Establishment's willful blindness to illegal immigration and the open abuse of legal immigration is what has led to the situation.
And there is nothing more infuriating to a legal immigrant to the US who did everything by the book and laws, waited for their turn, and paid all the costs and fees, to see illegal immigrants be allowed to jump the queue and get favors for doing so!
Posted by: cxt217 at Sun Jan 24 13:02:17 2021 (4i7w0)
Everyone's favorite partitions of the country always lump Ohio in with the blue empire. (Culturally not even close, not even in places like Cleveland.) Hope we end up on the right side of the split - I'd hate to have to move again.
Posted by: madrocketsci at Tue Jan 26 06:09:59 2021 (hRoyQ)
Then again, from all the "not us!" protests from most of the coasts, *no one* wants to be part of the blue empire. A few insane cities. They're pretty much an alien occupation of America.
Posted by: madrocketsci at Tue Jan 26 06:11:51 2021 (hRoyQ)
A Learning MomentHickock 45 is a popular GunTuber (one of the first ever IIRC). He does gun reviews, but focuses on Cowboy Action, and firearmssafety. Now, he's just counting the days until YouTube yeets him. Today he and his son get an unexpected visitor who tries to explain what a STTGU is...
Actually, I am going against the grain and say that the odds are that Kamala will get knifed in the back first in the internal wars before Joe does.
Posted by: cxt217 at Wed Jan 20 19:47:39 2021 (4i7w0)
Whichever of them gets kicked out first, it will be interesting to see who the next VP is. They can't pick someone from the Senate without at least briefly losing their majority, and the House is nearly as risky.
I still think Joe will go down first, so they can unlock the achievements.
Posted by: J Greely at Thu Jan 21 00:20:40 2021 (ZlYZd)
I have a hypothesis on why I believe Kamala is likely to go down first, followed by Joe (Yes, I am thinking it is possible that both of them get goned in the internal fights to follow.), and the person(s) that follow will depend entirely on which faction manage to carry out their plan.
If even a fraction of what I think is possible occurs, the resulting party civil war might dwarf anything that the GOP is going through.
Posted by: cxt217 at Thu Jan 21 00:45:03 2021 (4i7w0)
We eagerly await a disquisition on your hypothesis.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Thu Jan 21 05:45:16 2021 (5iiQK)
The very short version $.02 version is that Kamala is, even more than Joe, a pawn in the power struggle by the factions vying for control of the Democrats. From accounts, she was was pushed as veep by the Clinton faction. However, even disregarding Joe, the administration is stacked with Obama faction loyalists. Since even Democrats are pretty sure that Joe will not last a full term, the the situation leads to the following:
1) The Clintons want to be in the White House again, but a Kamala administration would not be a problem because Bill and Hillary have time to groom Chelsea for her run. Yes, I know it sounds dumb, but look at how politics have shaped up in the last 30 years and then consider that DC is 100 square miles surrounded by reality. They could have afford to have Joe and Kamala lose last November. They could afford to wait a Joe/Kamala administration. They can afford to wait;
2) The Obamas want Michelle to be president. That goal takes a major hit if Kamala becomes president under any circumstances. Michelle will not have nearly the amount of star power if she is trying to follow Kamala, than if it was nearly anything else. They probably agreed to Kamala as the veep because at the time, they were expecting Joe to lose and taking Kamala down would have taken down a potential rival. As it is right now, they do not want to see Kamala become the next president because that would cost star power AND time, which is not necessarily on their side;
3) Kamala herself draws most of her current power in the party from the fact she is the veep. Outside of that, she has never been able to sustain double digit support in her own party. The only way her aspirations for the top job will succeed is if she has the power of incumbency in her favor. Without it, she is vulnerable to be primaried by people with far less favorable odds at the White House. Unfortunately, everyone in the party knows this, which means they are definitely going to plan with that in mind;
4) Joe himself can not be written out. We may laugh or cry about his mental state, but whatever else, he has a keen survival instinct. He is not going to go down in a fight and whatever other weakness, his ability (When lucid.) for retail politics is not to be under-estimated. Even if it means jettison everything else (Which would lead to letting whoever the other party will nominate in 2024 to win.), he is not going to go quietly from the White House because someone in a back room said he should.
Note I expect everything and anything to happen, up to and including the possibility of a depressed trajectory shot at DC, so everything might and probably will be wrong. But depending on how the internal struggles will go will also decide on whether Joe or Kamala will go first.
Posted by: cxt217 at Thu Jan 21 22:21:37 2021 (4i7w0)
I don't think Obama wants Michelle to be president, even though it would be to his advantage. Nope, he theoretically wanted it; but when Michelle's book came out, he did his best to sink it and whine about it.
Apparently he threatened to call off their wedding and honeymoon because he (allegedly) had a head cold, then (miraculously) recovered totally and had no signs of a head cold. Michelle will never be president if he has anything to sabotage about it.
Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at Fri Jan 22 22:32:01 2021 (sF8WE)
7He might not want it, but she definitely does. Michelle is probably as ambitious as Hillary is, but she is much better at keeping herself from being grating.
It is anecdotal but Secret Service agents assigned to their protective details have recalled that she was always pressing him to be more aggressive and confrontational in politics, especially during the 2012 campaign. So whatever reservations Barack has, well, I doubt he is the more aggressive one of the pair.
Also, the Obama faction definitely wants to keep control of the Democrat party. That is not going to work if anyone else outside their group gets to be president.
Posted by: cxt217 at Sat Jan 23 00:19:52 2021 (4i7w0)
In the previous post about the Washington Post story about..."multiracial whiteness" Pete comments...
I don't see a contradiction, honestly. "Whiteness" is basically a compact term for "everything good, which liberals want to stamp out". It acquired its term because good things are historically associated with whites, in particular WASPs.
...and indeed the left does use the term that way.
However, I think it acquired this meaning because the left is racist in a weird Rousseauean* sort of way. First off, they buy Rousseau's silly notion of primitive savages being superior to the civilized, which is both destructive and patronizing. Second, by conflating "white" with the benefits of western civilization they are saying that other peoples don't have the mental ability to deal with this complex wonder. In essence they are espousing white supremacy.
This claim is easily falsifiable by simply invoking the names of accomplished Americans of Non-Caucasian extraction, Fredrick Douglass, G.W. Carver, Cochise, Sequoyah, Dr. King, Katherine Johnson, C.J. Walker and we'll stop there to keep the list from going on forever.
For a comparison between the West and the rest that's corrected for differences in culture, background, and opportunity one can look to the difference between Nelson Mandela and Robert Mugabe. Mandela was influenced by western ideals and was able to liberate his people and keep in check the worst primitive impulses for vengeance (until he died) whereas Mugabe turned his nation into an abattoir. He did this evil deed by simply behaving as all people usually did up till the enlightenment. Sadly Mandela's influence on the culture was not as long lasting as one might have hoped.
Nevertheless the above examples disprove the implication of the left's conflation of Western and "White" as the basically patronizing racism that it is. The weird thing is that many progressives don't see it this way because they despise much of western civilization's core concepts. Why this is is unclear. It's easy to assume that they are malevolent or simply throwback, troglodytic minds in rich, privileged bodies, but their malevolent politics aside, these are generally well educated people who think they are doing good. Trying to figure out lefty motivations is tiring and can lead to the dangerous shortcuts in the beginning of the last sentence....but by happy coincidence Sara Hoyt has, this very evening, posted thoughts on this very matter.
Democracy Dies in the Derpness
By now most of you are familiar with the running gag that is the intersection of current events with R.A. Heinlein's Future History, the period he called The Crazy Years.
He wasn't quite as prescient as it may seem. In his timeline, the era of looniness took place before the first moon landing and ended thereafter, whereas in ours, the first wave of Cray-Cray took place during and immediately after the Apollo program, which despite its success saw space development subsequently faceplant and suck its toes until recently when private industry began to take the lead and make real strides in space access .
Anyway, this was brought to mind by my encountering, just before I went to bed, this headline, which was so fractally crazy that it kept me up all night.
To understand Trump’s support, we must think in terms of multiracial Whiteness
Readers may also wish to ponder how a distaste for racial preoccupation is framed, rather boldly, as "a discriminatory worldview.â€
Multiracial whiteness promises Latino Trump supporters freedom from the politics of diversity and recognition. For voters who see the very act of acknowledging one’s racial identity as itself racist, the politics of multiracial whiteness reinforces their desired approach to colour-blind individualism.
That being bad, you see.
Racism is one of the most pernicious and vile evils in the annals of humankind, and the notion that treating people the same regardless of their skin color is bigoted is so far from reality as to be diseased thinking.
A.E. Van Vought had thoughts on what constitutes "crazy"...
"Craziness can be measured by maladaptive behavior. The behavior the society uses to solve one kind of problem, when applied to an incorrect category, disorients it. When this happens the whole society, even if some members are aware of the disorientation, cannot reach the correct conclusion, or react in a fashion that preserves society from harm. As if society were a dolphin that called itself a fish: when it suffered the sensation of drowning, it would dive. But a dolphin is a mammal, a member of a different category of being. When dolphins are low on air, they surface, rather than dive. Putting yourself in the wrong category leads to the wrong behavior.â€
It's hard to conceive of less correct categorizations than having "Judge people not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character" under the heading "Racist" and judging people by their ethnicity as virtuousness. Indeed, like Vought's deep diving drowning dolphin, it is the exact opposite of correct and can only lead to a grim end.
One indication that a current event might be crazy is when the best, and most succinct take is from the Babylon Bee.
However, while it's easy to dismiss the WaPo writer's perspective as crazy, it should not be dismissed out of hand that they might actually be aware of the contradictions, and therefore are evil. Dividing the nation is useful, not only to our enemies(who in the case of China have deep pockets to pay for such services) but to a subset of civil rights non-profits which has become quite a lucrative profession for a certain swath of our upper middle class. Furthermore, note the horror expressed at "color blind individualism". Ruling individuals is like herding cats...a philosophy of rugged individualism and personal freedom is a good bit check on tyranny. Conversely, tribes, or other groups can be moved about and controlled much more efficiently, like sheep or cattle, even a dog can do it. As such a collection of competing, mutually suspicious groups are easier for a totalitarian to deal with. (In much the same way, regulators prefer a few large companies to thousands of small businesses, as they are easier to keep track of and pay off or punish.)
So it is possible that this is not so much insanity as pure malevolence.
However, "multi-racial white supremacy" is such a categorical contradiction that for now, I'll grant them the benefit of the doubt and assume they're just stark-raving-cuckoo-for-Coca-Puffs.
Note though, that craziness, especially that which is hard to distinguish from evil, is not benign, quite the contrary, so we should stay aware of this nonsense and observe this numbnuttery with a wary eye, because whether crazy or evil, this affront to reason has the potential to take us down a dark path indeed.
I don't see a contradiction, honestly. "Whiteness" is basically a compact term for "everything good, which liberals want to stamp out". It acquired its term because good things are historically associated with whites, in particular WASPs.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Tue Jan 19 15:00:22 2021 (LZ7Bg)
Posted by: Rick C at Mon Jan 18 11:09:26 2021 (eqaFC)
It's actually Rhotacism, a speech impediment. It used to be much worse but he's improved his diction vastly over the last two years.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Mon Jan 18 12:01:21 2021 (5iiQK)
Huh--did not know that. To me it sounded more like a vowel shift, and I figured it was something like a regional Welsh accent or something I hadn't heard before.
Posted by: Rick C at Mon Jan 18 12:17:53 2021 (eqaFC)
Recently in Occidental V-Tubery
Ewica FINALLY passed her Voight-Kamph test. There had been some "talk" because this had gone on for 7 minutes and because her business plan seems....dubious.
IronMouse continues to have issues with her new 3-D rig, but using her old one was able to council a rogue AI and a Russian cat-thingie on American Civics.
Luna the MajiKarp is a V-Tuber with a mid-sized following who sings a little ditty every time someone subscribes or follows. At the beginning of the month she got raided by Nyanners who was leading 7,000 viewers...a fair percentage of whom subbed or followed. This went on for 27 minutes.
A Useful Life Hack
The Instant Vortex Air Fryer is attractively designed , its facade consisting of alternating stainless steel and a black bakelite like material.
Note however that its interior is ALL stainless steel.
That black bottom in the fry compartment is actually waxed or otherwise shiny cardboard.
Did you burn down your trailer?
Also, is yours as loud as ours? We have a more basic one and it's LOUD.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Sat Jan 16 11:23:31 2021 (LZ7Bg)
No, the house is still here....There is no visible damage to the kitchen either.
There is an aroma that is taking time to dissipate..
The vortex fryer is not as loud as I'd feared, being on par with the overhead fan above the stove.
Note though that I was expecting it to be very loud, having seen the models in some convenience stores.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sat Jan 16 11:30:17 2021 (5iiQK)
I can't count the number of times I've found protective plastic strips on appliances and electronics after using them for months or years, but fortunately none of them were in temperature-sensitive locations.
Well, except for the batch of 1U rackmount servers where all the vents were on top, covered by nearly-invisible plastic sheeting. We caught it before turning them on, but after most were already racked.
I've got a Philips air fryer, but after the initial novelty wore off, I went back to using my convection toaster oven for most things. The fans don't circulate the hot air as fast, but it's quieter, easier to clean, and more versatile. Also, a steady diet of chicken nuggets and french fries isn't good for my girlish figure. :-)
Posted by: J Greely at Sat Jan 16 12:34:22 2021 (ZlYZd)
4Also, a steady diet of chicken nuggets and french fries isn't good for my girlish figure. :-)
Well, yeah, because what you need for a healthy life is a steady diet of fried chicken and steak, preferably each with a side dish of edamane soybeans as well.
Posted by: cxt217 at Sat Jan 16 20:13:40 2021 (4i7w0)
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